Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Thinking Shelf

It was a weird shock to me when I had my first critical thinking course in college--this was immensely useful! Why didn't they teach this to me in public school? Aha, but there lies the rub---public schools aren't there to prepare you, they're there to delay your competition in the world, keeping you ritualized and ignorant of things you need to survive.

The first book "Effortless Attention" is very "dry" becuase it is a collection of reaserch about attention and its physical effects. If you want to know why you feed tired or irritable after working hard with non-physical labor, this is the book for you. The next book "Critical Thinking" is about the tactical software of questions and standards we should use while thinking.
Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life
It's funny that there
are books to teach you
thinking. Yes, you
have to practice it!

Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action (Bradford Books)       
A Summary of research
about the physiological
and neurological effects
of attention.