Monday, March 21, 2011

Quelling the Commercialism of April Fools

April Fool's Day is coming up fast and every year it gets worse. Unless you're playing a prank on another person, most of the things you see on this ridiculous day are gimmicks that are marketing for other websites.  This year on Reddit, I vow to downvote any April Fool's gag that is presented by a commercial web site. This could be from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, even ThinkGeek. I don't care any more and the wreckage of the Internet lasts at least a week with dumb products, impossible things and other distractions in a world already full of Real Life Trolls.

Tin-foil your workmate's cubicle all you want. Saran-wrap the toilet. Explode the Easter Peeps in the microwave. But don't upvote a commercialized April Fool's Joke. You're just encouraging the problem.

Paste/retweet this far and wide and downvote commercialized April Fool's Jokes, stick with the classics.