Tin-foil your workmate's cubicle all you want. Saran-wrap the toilet. Explode the Easter Peeps in the microwave. But don't upvote a commercialized April Fool's Joke. You're just encouraging the problem.
Research and design of independent anarchist social groupings vs. dominant culture.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Quelling the Commercialism of April Fools
April Fool's Day is coming up fast and every year it gets worse. Unless you're playing a prank on another person, most of the things you see on this ridiculous day are gimmicks that are marketing for other websites. This year on Reddit, I vow to downvote any April Fool's gag that is presented by a commercial web site. This could be from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, even ThinkGeek. I don't care any more and the wreckage of the Internet lasts at least a week with dumb products, impossible things and other distractions in a world already full of Real Life Trolls.
Tin-foil your workmate's cubicle all you want. Saran-wrap the toilet. Explode the Easter Peeps in the microwave. But don't upvote a commercialized April Fool's Joke. You're just encouraging the problem.
Paste/retweet this far and wide and downvote commercialized April Fool's Jokes, stick with the classics.
Tin-foil your workmate's cubicle all you want. Saran-wrap the toilet. Explode the Easter Peeps in the microwave. But don't upvote a commercialized April Fool's Joke. You're just encouraging the problem.
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