Thursday, March 17, 2011

Knife Shopping for Non-Nerds

I passed by a “swords and blades” store the other day and realized: That's what a Head Shop for Nerds is. So there won't be any katana's or samurai swords here either—especially no Klingon Bat'leths! Those are right out! And, no Rambo knives. Not that cliché again. Just simple folding knives as tools. I have a rule that it can't cost more than $25—because you can seriously drop a lot of coin on these things as if they were luxury items. They're tools, they can be worn out or lost—they must be replaced like them. I don't claim these to be the best knives, because like hammers, they all need different shapes for different jobs.
Mtech Extreme Tactical Folding Pocket Knife,With Aluminum Handle Knives BlackGerber 22-41493 EVO Jr. Serrated Edge KnifeSmith & Wesson SW423B Oasis Linerlock Knife, Black
There you go, three simple knives, tools for defense or the field, when you need to cut something. They're all folding knives so that you'll actually carry them with you (you know, like, in your pocket?) without looking like Batman and they're all cheap. If you  happen to forget that you were going to get the anal fisting at the TSA you won't be crying about having to drop your nice $90 Kershaw knife in the stupid bin. That is, if they don't arrest you first.