Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Buying Land

Finding & Buying Your Place in Country (Finding and Buying Your Place in the Country) Affordable land invariably comes only far away from major cities. Knowing how to buy it is not something taught in school.
Some places can provide you portals for searching for available land, however, you may need to find the local newspapers to find many plots. Some of the portals I've seen include:

Selecting your land will be the greatest challenge. Good luck!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Metaspaces vs. Meatspaces: Great Communities to Consider

These are arranged in quality and specificity. All of these communities work like specialized overlay networks on the Internet, helping people interact with other people who would never know of the other's existence in meatspace.  Commenting on other people's pages via blogger and disqus systems aren't as flexible, but like knowing where the "hot spots" are in meatspace to meet other people, it's worth knowing about other places on the Internet. Great meatspaces would be places like farmer's markets and city markets where you get the effects of many different people meeting in the same place with a common interest and networking.

Do you a metaspace or meatspace recommendation? Leave a comment!

Debating a Christian Infographic


Monday, March 28, 2011

Emma Goldman Annotated

I started the process of creating a nicely formatted edition of Emma Goldman's "Anarchism and Other Essays" with annotations of historical figures. It will look similar to "The Enchiridion", but it is a significantly longer work. You can preview the current draft now and I'll drop notes here when there are updated editions. The style of my annotations are all about saving you time looking up historical contexts whenever people are places are mentioned in passing in these older documents. Read on to see examples.