Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wind Generators: 60W of freedom.

Sunforce 44444 12-Volt 400-Watt Wind GeneratorMaybe you need a little bit of power to play your music to cover up the sound of the wind whipping around your house. Going offline mandates that you're going to economize on the energy that you need anyway, the less you require, the easier it is to provide for yourself. Some people believe that it is possible to live on 60W of available energy/day---which is what this wind generator will average with 15 mph winds. You'll still need batteries and control systems and towers, but hey, this will look really cool behind your Hexayurt or Tiny House. Small "netbook" style computers use 40W chargers. An LED lightbulb may only use 12W to provide 60W of "incadescent" light. Now you've got 8W left to splurge on--aha, you can tune your computer to use about 8W.

Heating things up with electricity is probably the last thing you would want to use it for, if you have enough sun power to boil water, use a thermos to keep it hot for cooking or tea later. If you're feeling cold, adapt with one of the oldest human technologies: clothing. That is, heat yourself, not your space. Depending on where you live, wind power can supplement solar power 24/7, because yes, you can have wind at night.