Saturday, April 9, 2011, 10am – 6pm
Sunday, April 10, 2011, 11am – 5pm
San Francisco County Fair Building
Golden Gate Park, 9th Ave and Lincoln Way
San Francisco
Golden Gate Park, 9th Ave and Lincoln Way
San Francisco
For more information visit
Think the book is dead? Well think again. Now in its 16th year, the Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair is one of San Francisco’s largest book events, drawing thousands of attendees and featuring over 55 vendors, an Art Exhibit and two days of author readings and panels. Writers who you’ll be able to hear this year include Rebecca Solnit, SF Poet Laureate Diane DiPrima, Jim Miller, Larry Bob Roberts, Ken Knabb, Jeff Conant, Penelope Rosemont, Andrej Grubacic, Sasha Lilley, David McNally, Dennis Cunningham, Michael Harris, Cal Winslow, Critical Resistance, Diane Di Prima, Christopher Hutchinson, Jeffrey St. Clair, Allan Ruff, Sin Soracco, Terry Bisson, Nick Mamatas, and Crimethinc. Panels include ‘Politics and Sci Fi”, “Capital and It’s Discontents” and “Yiddish Anarchists”.
Bike Valet Parking and a Kids Space will be provided by UA in the Bay and the Café will be serving food from Arizmendi Bakery and Other Avenues Food Cooperative.
Vendors this year include:
- 1984 Printing
- AK Press
- AnarchTee
- Berkeley Copwatch
- Bibliomania
- Black and Red
- Black Cat Press
- Black Powder Press
- Black Rain Press
- Bolerium Books
- Bound Together Book Store
- Bureau of Public Secrets
- C.A.L. Press
- Communicating Vessels
- Corvus Editions
- Crimethinc Dispatch
- Eberhardt Press
- Endless Canvas
- Flash
- Free Radio Berkeley
- Hackbloc
- I D P
- International Indian Treaty Council
- J L Hudson
- JustSeeds
- Kate Sharpley Library
- Killer Banshee Studios/Fly
- Last Word Press/Last Earth Distro
- Little Black Cart
- Manic D Press
- Medusa’s Muse
- Microcosm Publishing
- NMG Prodctions
- North American Animal Liberation Press Office
- Peace Supplies
- PM Press
- PNS/NAMRoaddawgz Homeless Youth Drop In
- Prisoners Liturature Project
- Project Censored
- Reach and Teach
- Regent Press
- Research Publications
- San Francisco Bike Messengers
- See Sharp Press
- Slingshot Collective / Long Haul
- The Green Arcade Bookstore
- thoughtcrime ink/Black Cat Press
For a complete schedule go to or call 415.431-8355.
16th Annual Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair
Saturday and Sunday, April 9 & 10, 2011
San Francisco County Fair Building
Golden Gate Park at Lincoln Way & 9th Ave.
Saturday and Sunday, April 9 & 10, 2011
San Francisco County Fair Building
Golden Gate Park at Lincoln Way & 9th Ave.
For more information go to