Thursday, March 17, 2011

Closed Loops Diagram with Fish, Chicken, Eggs, Fruits & Nuts and Vegetables…

From time to time, I like to make graphs of systems--they're helpful for teaching others how these sustainable systems interact. For city-dwellers, they may only have vague ideas where things go or come from, because everything comes to them from the store or goes away from them in pipes---and of course, everything costs money.  This diagram doesn't try to encode the frequency of production (e.g. chicken meat is not a daily event, and with planning a bi-monthly event unless you are keeping many chickens) or maintenance (e.g. fertilizer from the biogas digester is taken out only when its refueled, which is every 3-6 months.)

Since I've recently learned how insanely easy it is to make your own cheese, the next one of these diagrams may include some dairy cows. I'll probably make a vegan/vegetarian variant of the same diagram with equivalent nutritional systems supporting that lifestyle as well. Having the diagram also is giving me ideas of classifying what kinds of tools and space are needed for each system.  The only part of this system that can't be built in one year is the food forest. The rest of them: chickens, gardens, composting,  biogas digesters, and aquaponics are all certainly doable within the first year of founding.