Thursday, March 24, 2011


CHICKEN CROSSING Sign xing signs rancher farmer giftIf there's an easy meat that you can grow yourself, it could be chickens. Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, 3rd Edition is probably the best way to get the knowledge covering how to choose a breed, chicken whispering, shelters, feeding and watering, management, eggs, breeding and butchering.  Yes, there is blood involved and death. Where do you think chicken comes from anyway? Get over it. Vegetarians are telling you the truth when they tell you "meat is death" but no one is telling you that you must eat meat either.

Suburban chicken raising is going to become more common as food prices go up, despite anyone's claims that they're noisy and smelly.  Chickens raised in CAFOs of course will smell as well as pollute the nearby water table--but you wouldn't run a CAFO in your back yard, you would clean up after your chickens and limit the number of chickens you own. You have to remember that there was a time before the Piggly Wiggly was invented (and even patented) where you could pick out your branded and prepackaged food on your own. (As a side note, the inventor of Piggly Wiggly later attempted to invent "Amazon" with Keedoozle but was stymied by the lack of technology at the time.)

If you like to eat chickens, consider growing them yourself where you can ensure they're treated well and with respect, kind of like Avatar. But less blue.
On the other hand, does have a blue chicken.